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It all about me :D
JiaLe is my name , like it or not is ur problem :Po8 June is my BIG day ! :D Currently study in Zhenghua Sec ; 3n1 Bold l Underline l Italic |
About This Blog
This blog was opened by me (duh) to accomodate mine mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! wanted !
:: Lost weight ._.:: Having a own computer ! :: Pass my Amath ! :: & Emath also ~ :: Pass Eng ! :: Grow Taller -.- :: Top 5 in Class x.x :: Pass Sec3 & promote to Sec4 ! tagboard
ZoeyEnjoy ~
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WOOTS! today was like dame fun okae! xD wake up early in the morninq about 7 plus arhhx. qettinq ready to go ESCAPE! woooots~ with tinq , zoey & someone.. duh~ took 1hrs plus to reach there? LOL we play the don knoe wad ship arhhx , and it was dame scarely okae! tinq was like SCREAM~ until siao . while zoey & the someone was havinq fun? LOL then when to eat~ & we when to the beach ! WOOTS~ finally , tinq & miix qo play with the sand first , while zoey & the someone qo rent bicy. we was throwinq thinqy into the sea man~ i still collect shell , don knoe if qot lost it. play till we decided to rent bicy for our own! cycle around at first still don knoe that it was our p5 camp! OMG! was tired after that , decided to qo bunk! da audi~ duh! first play beat up first xie ?! Oo when tinq house again? eat cup noodle duh~ okae la qtq buaiix xD
Ellox! WISH ALL CHER IN THIS WORLD! A HAPPY T'CHER DAY! xD today was FUN! when to sch play & celebrate . AND , good news ! our class WON FIRST for the sticky eqq qame ?! KAI YEOW & OUR ART CHER! WOOTS! GRATTX XIA! .. after that qo watch t'cher day concert . then after the concert had end , when to fave pri sch! waaaaa! miss my sch xie! saw alot of frews plus cher! mostly had chanqe like qrow taller -.-'' or become chio le O.o butt the rest are still the same xD play , play , play .. walk around the sch .. saw alot of thinq had chanqe lo like our toilet , canteen & etc. after that . miix , zoey & tinq wann go plaza marrx. butt the suddenly don feel like goinq then stay at tinq house lo . we qo buy noodle , sweet & ect . to eat .. as we hunqry marrx. =X we was like havinq lunch ?! we still sleep xie xD not really sleep la , butt when we was like act sleep , suddenly zoey hp vibrite ?! LOL really LOAO lo .. then we when home .. qtq buaiix .
TODAY WAS A BAD DAY EVER! was raininq this morning , thinkinq that "aiya that only a small rain" then while waitinq for zoey... suddenly ! the rain qot heavier! OMG! sian.. when i reached the sch .. i was so dame wet lo ~ i ask miss tay if cann chanqe into pe-t .. after chanqinq still bery cold... bo pian la! i waited for 1 hrs for the pe to cool miix down~ then lalala pe~ sian~ normal lo .. play for 3 round 1 win , 2 lost .. haiix . heck care la... when we qo back class , we was mr lim? we was like.. suddenly when enthu?! SHOUT to mr lim inorder to said ellox.. Mr lim de face was like bery happy lo .. after that is ress~ then is home econ ! it was like shocked lo?! the home econ test . i just pass man.. butt my science fail .. sian! at peer tutorinq.. was like busy lo .. whyiix qot alot of people keep askinq miix question.. sian~ don care le .. qtq buaiix! xD
It was like a normal day~ was like haiix.. borinq day? this cominq fri goinq back to my primary sch barrx.. hope my sch cann early lets us go xD then will hv more time at sch ! aiya lazy to think le .. just anyhow post.. buaiix.
lalala nothinq to do~ WAAA!! BO MONEY LIAO! how to live without MONEY!! LOL okae la qotten do the quiz asked by zoey Oo ... 1.The person who taq u is.. -Zoey & Ting 2.Your relationship with him/her -Zoey;my laoqonq-Ting;my hamster 3.Your 5 impression of him/her -Zoey;Cute plus chio k? ;Bery the enthu ;Cheerful ;Ke siao(sometime?) ;kind~ -Ting;Cute ;Playful ;Cheerful ;Freedom ;kind 4.The most memorable thinq he/she had done for you -play until mad when i am sick? hahax 5.The most memorable thinq he/she had said to you -They love miix?6.If he/she bacomes your lover,you will .. -Don nd le cause .. both alady is my lover ! 7.If he/she become your lover,thinq he/she has to improve on will be.. -Don nd la .. i like the way they are xD 8.If he/she become your enemy,you will.. -The day will never come!!!9.If he/she become your enemy,the reson will be. .-Nothing~10.You wann tell him/her for now is.. -I LOVE YOUU 2 =X 11.Your overall impression of him/her is.. -Both are sweet!12.How you think people around you will feel about you? -SUCK!STUPID!IDIOT!and lots more.. 13.The characters you love of yourself are.. -None~ 14.On the contrary,the characters you hate yourself are.. -Alot xie ..everthing? 15.The most ideal person you wann to be is.. -myself la..duh~ 16.For people that care and like you,say somethinq to them. -I WILL NOT FORGET ABOUT U DE~ -.-'' 17.Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to knoe how they feel about you 1.Tingwei 2.Jasmine 3.Xiuchoo 4.Dorathy 5.Jingyu 6.Ruiyin 7.Elenor 8.Junjie 9.Qianyun 10.Wanqi 18.Who is no.6 havinq relationship with? -cousin lo 19.Is no.9 a male or female? -Female20.If no.7 & 10 are together,will it be a good thing? -Haha!Then both will be les =X jkjk.. 21.What is no.2 studying about? -Anything .. that she like.. 22.When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? -After sch? 23.What kind of music band does no.8 like? -All kinds.. 24.Does no.1 have any silblinqs? -qot barrx.. one korrx. 25.Will you woo no.3? -LOL plx lo , she is my autie =X 26.How about no.7? -She is my marrmiix.. 27.Is no.4 sinqle? -yuppx. 28.What is the surname of no.5? -Chew29.What's the hobby of no.10? -Not sure , wann ask first xD 30.Does no.5 & 9 qet alone well? -YA LA! BOTH SAME CLASS DE.. duh~ 31.What is no.2 studyinq at? -Zhenghua! 32.Talk somethinq actually about no. 1 .-CUTE & KAWAII TOO =X 33.Have you tried developinq feelinqs for no.8 ? -OMG!plx la .. he is my cousin lerrx.. 34.Where does no.9 live at? -Not so sure lerrx.. 35.What colour does no. 4 like ? -Pink.36. Are no.5 and no.1 best friend ? -Errs, cann say jusy only frews? 37.Does no.1 have any pets ? -FISH! 38.Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world ? -Maybe? 39.What is no.10 doing now . -Doinq hw? FINALLY! DONE!! WAaaa! qo play audi le.. buaiix!
okae today was like nothinq happened xD just today WOOTS!!no malay class , cann go sch later =X then was like normal lo.. qot my geo test .. haiix i FAIL! i qot 10/25.. then after sch , when bankit shop ~ lalala~~ after that go ting house do hw xD see so guai =X when we walk to her house ... we saw alot of COCKROACH !!! we was like OMG!! it normal ! hahax. then at 5 plus arhhx , go home~ aiya the rest i forqet le.. i just knoe that this coming sat goinq escpae?! i think ! LOL hahax!! just w8 man~ WOOTS! if cann rem will add one! hahax. qtq buaiix! xD
ytd went for hair cutt~ it seem to be the same.. got cut = no cut .. haiix xD ting also come my house ytd~ we was like having fun at the playground somewhere 7 plus~ we saw one gal look like our "frews" duh~ will not be posting this few days , as my meiix got test!! cause miix cannot play -.-'' haiix ke lian~ BUT ! if her math fail , i cannot even play com! SEE i bery ke lian horrx! T.T hahax. qtq le tmr still got sch ~ buaiix xD
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! TO MY DEAR COUSIN~ OMG~ Eeeeee hahax. O.o today was like a normal day , Eng ; compo test LOL .. Pe ; cher teach us something new , but don knoe how to play.. Home econ ; learn how to cook the makoroni la (don knoe how to spell =X) CME ; tio scold for not complet the project -.-'' & Science ; the lesson wad boring but cann u believe it!! kaya did use a PINK colour pen!! OMG! & with picture one after that we hv our math test .. 7 question ONLY butt all don knoe how to do -.-'' sian~ fail of sure! wann bet?! hahax.. jk qtq sleep .. nitex xD
Hahax.ytd was my grandmother birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! WOOTS~ today i was like crazy in sch... when eng lesson , i was like suddenly when siao~ keep laughtinq?! while cher is scoldinq people LOL!! thinking that i am ke siao right ~ even when go toilet , i misscall mrs wong , to mrs tay?! -.-'' cher was like.. duh~ am i okkies? i was laughtinq like siao lo >< then at malay class also , as cher was nothing to teach , or wad so ever ~ duh.. then cher wann us to think of a game , that cann teach malay Oo i was like ... haiix sian game again~ they wann play a game forget the game -.-'' they was like dame fun lo!! as they nd to call other people name , before being hit by a newspaper?! LOL hahax... after that cher wann us to play other game.. the cher keep forcing us ( miix , tingwei , jasmine , xiu choo & etc.. ) play marrx.. then they all like wann miix play . keep looking at miix?! then aiya bo pian la >< , peckcek go play la after we play , we walk to handbell rm xD & play ur bells la .. duh~ okkies ... that all for today xD THE END ! =X
Sooooo dame paisehhx ...! forget to put cbox ytd =X i was so chiong mang that forget .. haiix , dame sorry -.-'' forgiveness is needed !! hahax.!! hungry now , buaiix go cook maggi to eat !!! WOOTS!
FINALLY! blogskin has change xD WOOTS! SICK! of that blogskin huh?duh~ qtq to my cousin house , haiix buaiix .. a short post won't die =X
WOOTS!!lv in audi le xie.. finally. haiix , today was kana sian got the wad national day show la.. don knoe la , at first was like.. "wa , so sian.." then when that the last part..(that the singing part) everyone when high!!WOOTS! after that 10+ end..we decided to go xiu choo house , do project? lolx. haiix before that was kana sian! nothing to do .. walk around the sch.. haiix .. so tired today .. go sleep le buaiix xD WA!! kana xia suai today! early in the morning my stomach pain!! bo pain , die also nd to go sch... reach sch sill pain .. until pe lesson. suddenly feel bery high? lolx? when was practicing marrx.. don knoe wad happened i got chase by my group member? OMG!! i runnnn tao siao.. after that , we are having matches with the singapore .. haiix in the end we WON! WOOTS~ feel so happy~ Awwww, so tired , go sleep le nitez xD
WA!!next time try not to find sooo many recipes... i just find 1 recipes until i peckcek!! i nearly die lo!Luckly , my ah gong help miix~ gv miix the other 2 recipes xD Waaaa!! THANKS! next time got chance , cook for u xD hahax.. okkies la qtq le buaiix!! =D
OMG!!!Ytd is ghost month!!Weeee~~ EVERYONE OUT HERE!! BECAREFULL! de~~ jkjk tmr going out!! maybe? de~don knoe if cann or not..haiix!! nothing to post so boring! i go play audi le buaiix!