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It all about me :D
JiaLe is my name , like it or not is ur problem :Po8 June is my BIG day ! :D Currently study in Zhenghua Sec ; 3n1 Bold l Underline l Italic |
About This Blog
This blog was opened by me (duh) to accomodate mine mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! wanted !
:: Lost weight ._.:: Having a own computer ! :: Pass my Amath ! :: & Emath also ~ :: Pass Eng ! :: Grow Taller -.- :: Top 5 in Class x.x :: Pass Sec3 & promote to Sec4 ! tagboard
ZoeyEnjoy ~
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Awwwhahax.!just come back from plaza.. haiz.. tmr still nd filming? first time xie! hope everything will go well? =D Ahhx! cher heaven gv ur our time table yet! n our class still nd to carry on their smsing! =D jiayou!
Today has a "party" in my house =D Quite fun cause we today gotten teach my cousin how to make a blog He gott alottt of question to ask. like so enthu to make one blog lolx.. in the end he choose one skin is about maple one lolx.=X sadly i gt some picture to post one but i lazy maybe try mon? qtq . byyyeeee =D Awwhahax.! Today our handbell cher
call us to play new song! Yeah!butt then i got to play 2 bells luckly,i only gt a little bit notes only ! hahax. Btw today something bad happened bad happened! T.T Awww! so sad all because of ONE people ! Lolx..tmr will be a busy day... still heaven gt my timetable! si liao! cher never gv wad shall i bring on mon! OMG ... btw qtq mybe chiong hw?Byyyeeee Today at P.E time , go retest my sutter run! from 13.+ to 12.+.. heng arrhx! still gt pass! At first at hall marrx i try run with my shoe on,i thought i cann play a little cheat butt then cannot! Our P.E cher saw my shoe too slippery ask miix to take it out... lolx.. sian! but luckly no one see miix run as some of them go retest their 2.4m! Got good news today ! someone n someone finally get tgt le! gratx! *that someone cannot be told* =X
Na ni ! today nd to stay back after sch in order to file my file?lolx.. don knoe how to said .. from 2+ file until 3+ 1h ++ okkies la quite fast one haiz.. i think i gt a flu =X from morning keep .. ahhx choo! until back home still ahhx chooing .. AHHX cann't stand it anymore ! wann get well soon! my nose pain xie =X Tmr will be a BUSY again... don knoe wad time can go home. see barrx =D bbbyyyeee.
Today is the first day of term 3 bar.. Haiz. at first i thought all should be the same but..suddenly cher said the time table will change but that okkies la but they said cher will also change.. lolx..cher also nd to change mer? All our cher so gd how i bear to change ler? =X haiz .. btw still gt home ecom! my fave subject =D hahax qtq go play habbo le.. as maple cannot play so sad T.T
Aww !Today go for handbell! Play song with senior lo is like so dame nervous scare play wrong n ect. And i keep tio scold by cher that it must damp at 1.. Haizz .. somemore tmr still nd to go back again! Wish mi good luck! Here i told by my audi meiix to do this quizes? Name 2o ppl that u can think of it now after that read the question until u hv name 1.Jasmine 2.Rui yin 3.Yvonne 4.Zhi qian 5.Zoey 6.Qian yun 7.Firdaus 8.Kai yeow (kaya) 9.Tingwei 10.karlsone 11.Dorathy meiix 12.Jun jie 13.Shafwana 14.Veron meiix 15.Zul 16.Tian li 17.Zhi xiong 18.Christine jie 19.Xiu choo 20.Rui sheng 1)How do u meet no.14? -While playing audi? 2)Wad would u do if u would meet no.1? -Go on with my life la . 3)Wad if no.9&20 dated with each other? -lolx. that will never happened 4)Wad if no.6&17 dated with each other? -Hahax..don knoe as no.17 is a playboy =D 5)Describle no.3 -kind,helpful n kawaii 6)Do u think no.8 is attractive? -NEVER ! He has ****** that cannot be tell 7)Describle no.7 -He cute n funny short short one =X 8)Do u know any family members of no.20? -Sure as no.20 is my cousin =X 9)In wad lanquaqe(s) do no.15 speaks? -Malay 10)Who is no.9 hanqinq with? -Jasmine 11)How old is no.16 this year? -15 bar 12)When was the last time u spoke to no.13 -Ytd? 13)Who is no.2's fave band/sinqer? -don knoe ler.. wann ask 14)Have u ever dated with no.14? -Oo plx she my meiix ler.. 15)Whould u ever dated with no.4? -NO WAY ! as someone like him liao =X 16)Is no.18 single currently? -yuppx i think so 17)Wad is no.10 last name? -err..don knoe maybe iis karlsone? 18)Whould u ever been in a relationship with no.11? -Jie n meiix?(real life hor) 19)Wad no.3 sch? -zhenghua 20)Where does no.6 stay? -err.. around farja? 21)Wad ur fave thing about no.5? -She is CUTE ! 22)Hv u seen no.2 naked? -Lolx.. i am not bian tai one hor! Finallyy done liao! this is worst then changing blogskin xie Nxt time if wann mi to do this kind of thing i wann SHORT SHORT one hor not so long.. qtq ressst le bbbyyyeee. ! Haiz.. still gt 5 more dayz.. to sch reopen!Kana sian now .. Getting boring n boring but heng tmr can go sch for cca after that go to my frews house again. To complete my project ! Okkies 5 more day! Will be fast la !
7 more day! = to 1 weeks! to sch reopen ..
15 of june is it? that mean is my meiix birthday=D HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wish all ur exam will fail ! Just kidding=X 8 more days to sch open xie faster faster!! i don wann stay at home very boring ... HAPPY HOLIDAY for whose who like holiday not mi will do =D
Back ! then chiong to do the survey walao and the survey thingy so dame loso! keep asking about drinks wad u like , wad brand u heard before n ect! ahhhh! do for 40 min finally done le >< Haiz... survey don nd to long one mar forget it since i do liao .. bbbyyyeee. (complete one part of the math project le) (left 4 more =D)
Wah!Go out today -.-'' Just done chatting with one of my dearest frews. So long did not chat le xie Gt aaaalot of thing to chat with =X Wann go bath le nd to get ready !! Tata =D
Awwwww! change blogskin again ?Oo Aiya nothing to do mar =X Today is a bad day ... Haiz... don said la lat broke people heart >< I can only just *Zip*don said anything... Wish tmr can complete my MATH project! JIAYOUX BAR! Bbbyyyeee...
Today was a busy day.. nd to go back sch to only take back my report book awwwww..... FINALLY!My report book =X Don ask anything about the grade le ......all fail T.T Miss my sch days... Wish sch open soon! =D
Awwww!~ change blogskin today>< dame tired waste almost the whole day! sian feel sleepy now.... tmr still nd go sch not to study but is to polish BELLS! awww... so tata qtq le =D & wann thx those ppl who wish mi a happy birthday one =) HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY! (to myself =X)
Tmr will be a ones in a year day that will be my birthday! hahax.. i wondering wad will happened tmr?....
hahax first post here>< today wad quite fun as one of my prroject finally done!(history) but as for my math one... we don knoe wad to do as we r going to go about graph?! lolx.100% don knoe how to do one lo btw if anyone hv any idea about making a board game about graph,plx do tell mi i nd somebody idea!! qtq le bbbyyyeee! HAPPY HOLIDAYX! =P counting in 5 days..